10 Tips for Crafting Copy that Converts for Small Businesses with Big Dreams

10 Tips for Crafting Copy that Converts for Small Businesses with Big Dreams

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Hey there, small business superheroes! So, picture this: you’re in a gladiator-style arena, armed with nothing but your keyboard, fighting for the precious attention of your customers. Fear not! I’ve got the ultimate arsenal of copywriting strategies to make your brand stand out and your audience go, “Wow, these peeps really know what I need!” Let’s dive in and discover the steps to copy that converts.

Become a Stalker (the Legal Kind):

Alright, let’s dig deeper into the art of becoming a legal stalker – and trust me, this isn’t about hiding in bushes with binoculars. I’m talking about understanding your audience so intimately that you could almost read their minds.

So, imagine you’re at a party, but instead of mingling aimlessly, you’re on a mission to know everyone’s deepest desires and fears. Creepy? Nah, it’s marketing Sherlock style.

Psychic Vibes:

Get in touch with the psychic side of marketing. Your audience has vibes, and you need to tune in. What keeps them tossing and turning at 3am? What makes them jump out of bed with excitement? Understanding these vibes helps you tailor your message to hit the emotional bullseye.

Late-Night Confessions:

If your audience were to spill their secrets over a cup of hot cocoa at midnight, what would they say? Dive deep into forums, social media groups, and comment sections. People love to spill the tea online. It’s like a virtual therapy session, and you’re the attentive therapist taking notes.

Stalk the Social Scene (Online, Of Course):

Social media is your stalking playground. What posts do they engage with? What memes make them LOL? Social media is a treasure trove of insights; just don’t go accidentally liking a post from 2010.

Personal Polls:

Conduct surveys like a pro. Ask questions that unveil the mysteries of your audience’s minds. What do they want? What irks them? And what dreams float in their heads like sugarplums? Surveys are like the truth serum of market research.

Be a Listening Ninja:

Eavesdrop on their conversations, metaphorically. What are they chatting about on Twitter? What are the hot topics in their circles? Being a good listener online helps you catch the pulse of the community.

Empathy Overdrive:

Put on your empathy hat and walk a mile in their virtual shoes. What challenges do they face? What victories light up their faces? The more you understand their journey, the better you can craft a message that resonates. It’s empathy, not eavesdropping

Remember, it’s not about invading privacy; it’s about crafting a message so tailor-made that your audience feels like you’ve been reading their mind. So put on your marketing detective hat, grab your metaphorical magnifying glass, and get ready to decode the secret language of your audience! 

Once Upon a Brand:

Let’s embark on a storytelling adventure where your brand becomes the hero in a captivating tale that outshines even the juiciest Netflix series. Your business journey isn’t just a timeline of events but an epic narrative filled with drama, comedy, and plot twists that keep your audience on the edge of their seats.

We all find a good story irresistible and it’s key to crafting copy that converts.

Origin Story Magic:

Every superhero has an origin story, and so does your brand. Share the humble beginnings – the lightbulb moment in the garage, the late-night brainstorming sessions fueled by coffee, or that “aha” moment that kickstarted it all. Make it relatable, and let your audience see the human side of your brand.

The Rocky Road to Success:

It’s not a story without a bit of struggle, right? Highlight the challenges your business faced. Did you battle dragons in the form of market competition? Did you navigate through the treacherous waters of the economy? Bring out the underdog spirit of your brand overcoming obstacles.

Characters to Remember:

Introduce the key characters in your brand saga. Who are the masterminds behind the scenes? What quirky personalities make up your team? Paint vivid portraits of the people who bring your brand to life. After all, every good story needs memorable characters.

Comedic Interludes:

Even Shakespeare had his funny moments. Inject humour into your brand story. Share the office antics, the hilarious product mishaps, or the moments of sheer absurdity. Laughter is the golden ticket to forging a connection with your audience.

Plot Twists and Surprises:

Keep your audience guessing with unexpected plot twists. Maybe you adapted when no one expected it or introduced a product that shook the industry. Surprise is the spice of storytelling, and your brand story should have its fair share of twists and turns.

Lessons Learned, Wisdom Gained:

Every good story imparts a lesson. Share the wisdom your brand gained along the way. Did you discover the importance of resilience? Did you learn valuable lessons from mistakes? Position your brand as a wise mentor, passing on nuggets of insight to your audience.

Interactive Storytelling:

Turn your brand saga into an interactive experience. Encourage your audience to participate in the narrative. It could be through polls on social media, where they decide the next chapter, or by sharing their own stories that resonate with yours. Let them be a part of the storytelling process.

Remember, your brand story isn’t just a marketing spiel; it’s a saga that weaves your values, struggles and triumphs into a tapestry that your audience can emotionally invest in. Make them not just customers but loyal fans, cheering for your brand like it’s the main event in their favourite series.

words have power when it comes to crafting copy that converts

The Power of Words:

Let’s dive into the enchanting world of words, not the kind that sends wizards to Hogwarts, but the kind that transforms your copy into a spellbinding masterpiece. Forget about magic wands; we’re talking about the sorcery of power words. Imagine your copy as the year’s blockbuster movie, complete with dramatic trailers and epic taglines.

Exclusive Extravaganza:

Sprinkle your copy with the allure of exclusivity. Everyone wants to feel special, right? Whether it’s a limited-time offer, an exclusive club membership, or VIP access, make your audience feel like they’re part of an elite circle. Your brand is the A-lister, and they’ve got the golden ticket.

Limited Edition Marvel:

People go crazy for limited editions – it’s like owning a piece of treasure. Inject that excitement into your copy. Convey a sense of rarity, urging your audience to act before the opportunity vanishes like a shooting star. Your product isn’t just a purchase; it’s a collector’s item.

Life-Changing Magic:

Turn your product or service into the hero of your customer’s story. Use words that imply transformation and impact. Your offering isn’t just a widget; it’s the magic wand that turns ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences. Craft a narrative where your brand is the catalyst for positive change.

Revolutionary Revelations:

Paint your brand as the revolutionary force in your industry. Words like ‘innovative,’ ‘groundbreaking,’ and ‘pioneering’ give your audience the impression that they’re not just buying a product but joining a movement. Your brand isn’t following trends; it’s setting them.

Sensational Spectacle:

Think of your copy as the script for a breathtaking movie. Use vivid, sensory words that create an immersive experience. Don’t just describe your product; transport your audience into a world where they can feel, taste, and smell the benefits. Your copy should be a cinematic journey, not a shopping list.

Epic Emotions:

Trigger emotions like a maestro conducting a symphony. Words have the power to evoke joy, excitement, and anticipation. Craft sentences that resonate emotionally. Your copy should be a rollercoaster ride of feelings, leaving your audience eager to experience the emotional highs your brand promises.

Compelling Call-to-Action Climax:

Every great movie has a climactic moment, and so should your copy. Your call-to-action is the grand finale. Use words that ignite urgency and excitement. Whether it’s ‘grab yours now’ or ‘don’t miss out,’ make your audience feel like they’re on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next scene in your brand’s blockbuster.

Remember, your copy is more than just words on a page; it’s the script of a captivating story. With the right blend of power words, you’re not just selling a product – you’re creating an experience, and your audience is the star of the show. So, grab your metaphorical popcorn, hit play on the keyboard, and let the word magic unfold! 

Headlines that Pop:

Welcome to the battlefield of attention, where capturing focus is tougher than convincing a cat to take a bath. Today’s attention spans are shorter than a goldfish’s memory – blink, and you might miss it. Crafting headlines isn’t just an art; it’s a swift, precision dance where every word counts. Here’s the lowdown in proper British style:

Brevity is Brilliance:

In a world of rapid scrolls and endless clicks, brevity is your secret weapon. Your headline should be concise, hitting the sweet spot between intriguing and to the point. Long-winded intros are like a cup of tea gone cold – nobody wants that.

The Click-Worthy Charm:

Imagine your headline is the charming host at a posh gathering. It should invite your readers in with a wink and a smile. Use words that sparkle – think ‘captivating,’ ‘exclusive,’ or ‘unveiling.’ Your headline isn’t just an introduction; it’s a VIP invitation.

Question Marks Are Quirky:

A well-crafted question in your headline can be a game-changer. It not only engages your audience but makes them curious to find the answer. It’s like posing a riddle at a pub quiz – irresistible.

Powerful Punchlines:

Your headline needs to deliver a knockout punchline, not a feeble jab. Think of it as the punchline to a great joke – it should make your audience chuckle or, in this case, click. Inject energy, excitement, and a dash of intrigue.

Be the Solution, Not the Problem:

Your audience is looking for solutions, not more problems. If your headline addresses a pain point and promises a remedy, you’ve got their attention. It’s like offering an umbrella in a British downpour – everyone wants one.


Leave your audience curious, not confused. A headline that sparks curiosity is like a trail of breadcrumbs, leading your readers deeper into the story. They should be itching to click just to satisfy their curiosity itch.

Evoke Emotion, Not Just Attention:

Your headline should be an emotional trigger. Emotions are your headline’s best friends, whether it’s joy, surprise, or even a touch of fear (the good kind). Make your readers feel something, and they’ll be hooked.

A Dash of Urgency:

Urgency is your headline’s secret sauce. Whether it’s a limited-time offer, an exclusive deal, or a ‘now or never’ situation, make your audience feel the ticking of the clock. Nobody wants to miss out on a good show

Two of my favourite free tools for testing headlines are the Headline Analyser from CoSchedule and this Headline Analyzer tool. I always check the score of my headlines on both to ensure they’re as good as possible.

The Jedi Mind Tricks of Copywriting:

Welcome to the realm of copywriting Jedi mind tricks, where persuasion is your lightsaber, and the force of influence is strong. Picture yourself as a copywriting Jedi, wielding linguistic skills that make your customers feel the irresistible pull towards your product or service. Let’s break down these mind tricks in a way that Yoda would approve of:

Scarcity Sorcery:

Create a sense of scarcity that’s more enticing than finding the last chocolate in a box. Whether it’s a limited stock, a time-sensitive offer, or an exclusive deal, make your customers feel like they’re on the brink of missing out. Scarcity is the Jedi mind trick that taps into the fear of losing out – the FOMO force is strong with this one.

Social Proof Mastery:

Social proof is your secret weapon in the world of copywriting. Showcase testimonials, reviews, and success stories like trophies. When your customers see that others have embraced your product and are thriving, it triggers the “I want to be part of the winning team” instinct. Your product becomes the hero of their story.

Authority Moves:

Establish yourself as the wise Jedi master in your industry. Share your knowledge, expertise, and insights to position your brand as the authority. Customers who see you as the Yoda of your field are more likely to trust your recommendations. Authority is the force that compels them to say, “This brand knows its stuff; I must follow.”

Mindful Consistency:

The Jedi mind trick of consistency is about aligning your message across all channels. Maintaining a consistent tone and brand personality, whether it’s your website, social media, or emails. Consistency builds trust, and trust is the glue that binds your customers to your brand.

Reciprocity Reflex:

Give to receive – it’s the Jedi code of reciprocity. Offer something valuable upfront, whether it’s informative content, free resources, or a generous discount. When you give, your customers feel a natural inclination to give back by making a purchase. It’s the law of the copywriting Jedi universe.

Emotional Resonance:

Jedi copywriting isn’t just about words; it’s about evoking emotions. Craft messages that strike a chord with your audience’s feelings. Whether it’s joy, nostalgia, or the thrill of adventure, emotions are the force that binds your brand to their hearts.

Masterful Storytelling:

Every Jedi has a story, and so does your brand. Weave narratives that showcase your product and draw your customers into a compelling story. A well-told story is the Jedi mind trick that makes your customers see your brand as an essential part of their own narrative.

SEO: Turning Your Copy into a Google Magnet:

Welcome to the vast wilderness of the online jungle, where visibility isn’t just a luxury; it’s the key to survival. In this realm, SEO is your compass, guiding you through the dense underbrush to the promised land of search engine results. Consider yourself a digital forager, turning your copy into a delectable feast that Google can’t resist.

Keyword Symphony:

Think of keywords as the secret herbs and spices in your copywriting recipe. Choose them with the precision of a master chef selecting ingredients. Conduct meticulous research to identify the keywords that resonate with your audience. These keywords are the notes in your symphony, each playing a crucial role in the harmonious melody that is your content.

Natural Sprinkling:

Once you have your keywords, it’s time to sprinkle them through your copy like a seasoned chef. Remember, the key is natural integration. Just as a chef delicately seasons a dish to enhance its flavour, incorporate your keywords seamlessly. Google’s algorithm is sophisticated – it can tell the difference between a well-seasoned dish and one drowned in spice.

Content Feast:

Craft content that’s not just keyword-rich but also valuable and engaging. Google isn’t just looking for a pretty plate; it wants a feast that satisfies the hunger of its users. Your copy should answer questions, provide solutions, and offer a delightful experience. Quality content is the main course that keeps your audience coming back for more.

Link Building Elegance:

Build links like a chef building layers of flavour in a dish. Internal and external links add depth to your content. Internal links guide users through your website, enhancing their experience. External links to reputable sources show Google that you’re part of a rich culinary network, contributing to the wider conversation.

Mobile-First Garnish:

Spruce up your copy for the mobile audience. Think of it as adding a garnish to your dish – a finishing touch that enhances the overall presentation. With Google’s mobile-first indexing, ensuring your content is mobile-friendly is like serving a dish that looks as good on a smaller plate as on a large one.

Analytics Tasting Session:

Regularly check your analytics like a chef tastes their creations. Analytics are your palate, helping you understand what works and what needs adjustment. Track your performance, analyse user behaviour, and refine your SEO strategy accordingly. It’s a continuous process of improvement, much like perfecting a signature dish.

Fresh Ingredients:

Google loves freshness. Keep your content updated and relevant, just as a chef insists on using the freshest ingredients. Regularly revisit and refresh your content to ensure it remains a delightful dish on Google’s ever-evolving menu.

Benefits, Not Features (Nobody Cares About Your Tech Specs):

Let’s talk about the magic of focusing on benefits, not features. Because, let’s face it, nobody cares about your tech specs as much as they care about how your product will improve their lives. Imagine you’re not just marketing; you’re hosting the most fabulous giveaway show, and your customers are the ecstatic audience. Cue the confetti, and let’s break it down:

Oprah-Worthy Benefits:

Channel your inner Oprah and shout those benefits from the rooftops! Your product or service is a life-changer. Whether it solves a problem, makes things easier, or brings joy, make those benefits the stars of your show. Customers want to feel like they’re getting a golden ticket to a better life, not a user manual.

Problem-Solving Elegance:

Your customers have challenges, and your product or service is the superhero swooping in for the rescue. Identify the pain points your business addresses and showcase how it transforms problems into solutions. It’s not just a feature; it’s a superhero cape that makes their daily struggles vanish.

User-Friendly Bliss:

Forget the jargon and technicalities. Describe your product in terms that your grandma could understand. Your customers want simplicity and ease, not a process thicker than War and Peace. If your product or service makes their lives smoother, highlight that – user-friendliness steals the show.

Time-Saving Wizardry:

Time is a precious commodity, so if you’re product or service is a time-saving wizard in their busy lives, shout about it. Whether it shaves minutes off a task, streamlines a process, or magically adds more hours to their day (if only!), emphasise how your product gives the gift of time. It’s the superhero sidekick they never knew they needed.

Feel-Good Vibes:

Your product or service should evoke warm, fuzzy feelings. Whether boosting their confidence, creating moments of joy, or adding a sprinkle of luxury to their routine, let your customers bask in the feel-good vibes. Your product isn’t just a thing; it’s an emotional experience, and emotions steal the spotlight.

Lifestyle Upgrade:

Showcase how your product or service elevates their lifestyle. It’s not just about having a thing; it’s about having a lifestyle that makes them go, “Yes, this is exactly what I’ve been missing!” Whether it’s a fitness gadget, a kitchen appliance, or life coaching, let them envision a better version of themselves.

Customer-Centric Language:

Speak their language, not industry jargon. Instead of drowning them in acronyms and specifications, talk about what matters to them. If your product has a powerful processor, tell them it’s like having a personal assistant that never gets tired. If it has a sleek design, explain how it adds a touch of elegance to their space.

Benefits are the stars of your marketing show. Your customers aren’t buying a laundry list of features; they’re investing in a better, more convenient, and happier life. So, grab that metaphorical microphone, stand in the spotlight, and let the benefits steal the show like an Oprah giveaway extravaganza!

Visuals: Because Words Need Wingmen:

Now, obviously, I’m a big advocate for the power of words; however, visuals aren’t just wingmen; they’re the supermodels of your brand’s dating profile. Let’s dive into the world of killer visuals, where your brand shines like a runway star, and remember, it’s not vanity – it’s the art of irresistible marketing.

Picture-Perfect Storytelling:

Your visuals should tell a story that even a thousand words would envy. Imagine each image as a chapter in your brand’s novel. Whether showcasing your product in action, highlighting behind-the-scenes moments, or creating a mood that aligns with your brand persona, make your visuals the narrators of an engaging story.

The Supermodel Aesthetic:

Invest in visuals that make your brand look like the Gisele Bündchen of the business world. It’s not just about pretty pictures; it’s about creating an aesthetic that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s sleek and modern, warm and rustic, or bold and vibrant, your visuals should embody the personality you want your brand to exude.

Emotion-Capturing Shots:

Your visuals should be emotion alchemists, capturing feelings in pixels. Whether it’s joy, inspiration, or a touch of nostalgia, evoke emotions that resonate with your audience. It’s like creating a visual symphony that plays the chords of connection.

The Power of Consistency:

Visuals are your brand’s wardrobe, and a consistent style is your signature fashion statement. Whether it’s the colour palette, filters, or overall vibe, maintain a cohesive visual style across all platforms. Consistency breeds recognisability, and recognisability is the key to brand allure.

Strategic Showcasing:

Highlight your brand’s strengths like a talent show winner on stage. If you have a product, showcase it from every angle in various settings. If it’s a service, illustrate the benefits visually. Your visuals are your brand’s CV – make sure every shot is a testament to why your brand is the one worth choosing.

Visual Hierarchy Mastery:

Just as every supermodel knows their best angles, understand the visual hierarchy of your brand. What elements should take centre stage, and what should linger in the background? Guide your audience’s eyes through the visual journey, ensuring they focus on the key elements that define your brand.

Interactive Engagement:

Visuals aren’t just for show; they’re interactive tools. Encourage engagement through visuals – whether it’s through polls, quizzes, or challenges. Make your audience an active participant in your visual narrative. It’s like turning your brand’s story into a choose-your-own-adventure book.

Investment, Not Vanity:

Spending on killer visuals isn’t vanity; it’s a strategic investment. Killer visuals boost brand confidence, just like a great outfit can boost confidence. High-quality visuals speak volumes about your professionalism and dedication to excellence. It’s like saying, “We care about how we present ourselves to you.”

Use social media to share your copy that converts

Social Media: Where Your Copy Gets the Party Started:

Welcome to the vibrant world of social media, where your brand’s copy isn’t a wallflower but the life of the party. Picture your copy as the charismatic guest who gets everyone talking, dancing, and sharing laughs. Let’s dive into the social media extravaganza, where engagement is the heartbeat, and your brand transforms from extraordinary to legendary.

Copy as the Party Starter:

Your copy isn’t a shy introvert; it’s the dynamic host that kickstarts the conversation. Craft copy that sparks interest, asks intriguing questions and encourages participation. It’s like yelling, “Let the party begin!” and watching your audience rush to join in.

Shareability Magic:

Make your copy shareable like the perfect party playlist. Whether it’s entertaining, informative, or downright hilarious, create content that people want to share with their social circles. 

Conversational Charm:

Social media is the ultimate conversational hotspot. Engage with your audience like you’re mingling at a cocktail party. Respond to comments, initiate discussions, and be the friendly face that keeps the conversation flowing. It’s not just about broadcasting; it’s about building relationships.

Visual Feast:

Combine your killer copy with eye-catching visuals. Social media is a visual playground, and your brand should be the Picasso of the feed. Whether it’s striking images, attention-grabbing graphics, or playful memes, let your visuals complement your copy and create a feast for the eyes.

Hashtag Heroics:

Hashtags are your social media superheroes. Use them strategically to increase discoverability and join relevant conversations. Your copy should be accompanied by hashtags that turn it into a trending topic, making your brand the talk of the town.

Interactive Games:

Turn your copy into a game everyone wants to play. Create content inviting participation, whether quizzes, polls, or challenges. Social media is the playground where your audience becomes active players in your brand’s narrative.

Timely Trend Riding:

Keep your copy updated with the latest trends. Social media moves at the speed of light, and your brand should be the one riding the trend waves. Whether it’s topical memes or current events, let your copy be the cool kid at the party who knows what’s hot.

Storytelling Bonfire:

Social media is the bonfire where stories are shared. Use your copy to narrate compelling stories that captivate your audience. It could be the story of your brand’s journey, customer success stories, or even fictional tales that align with your brand persona. Let your copy be the storyteller that leaves everyone wanting more.

Urgency and Exclusivity:

Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity through your copy. Whether it’s limited-time offers, exclusive announcements, or VIP access, make your audience feel part of an exclusive club.

Copywriting Gymnastics:

Welcome to the thrilling arena of copywriting gymnastics, where agility and flexibility are your best friends. Think of it, not as a one-time show but a continuous circus act. Your copy isn’t just a solo performance but a dynamic spectacle requiring constant innovation and adaptability. So, tighten your virtual leotard and let’s dive into the acrobatic world of refining your copy until it shines brighter than a diamond.

Multifaceted Tricks:

Your copywriting routine should resemble a circus act with various tricks up its sleeve. Test different approaches, experiment with tones, and play with multiple styles. Just as a gymnast practices different routines, your copy should have the versatility to adapt to different platforms, audiences, and marketing goals.

Somersaulting Through Strategies:

Like a gymnast mastering a perfect somersault, your copy should gracefully navigate through various strategies. Whether it’s changing your headline style, altering the tone of your content, or trying out new storytelling techniques, keep your audience on their toes by offering fresh perspectives.

Juggling Calls-to-Action:

Juggle your calls-to-action like a masterful performer. Test different CTAs to see which ones resonate the most with your audience. Whether it’s a straightforward ‘Buy Now,’ an inviting ‘Join the Fun,’ or a mysterious ‘Unlock the Secret,’ find the magic words that make your audience grab their virtual popcorn and participate in your brand’s circus.

Data Detective Work:

Analyse data like a detective solving a mystery. Dive into the analytics to understand which tricks in your copywriting repertoire are stealing the spotlight and which are falling flat. Let the data guide your decisions, whether it’s click-through rates, engagement metrics, or conversion numbers.

Refinement Ritual:

Refine your copy until it shines like the star it is. Just as a gymnast perfects their routine through relentless practice, refine your copy based on the insights you gather. Tweak headlines, fine-tune language, and polish every sentence until your copy becomes a masterpiece that captivates your audience.

Continuous Performance:

Copywriting gymnastics is not a one-off act but a continuous performance. Therefore, stay nimble and ready to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of your industry. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, so keep refining and reinventing to stay ahead in the circus of competition.

Audience Engagement Aerials:

Perform aerial feats of audience engagement. Social media comments, surveys, and feedback are your trapeze ropes. So soar through the sky of audience interaction, listen to their applause, and adjust your copywriting routine to ensure you’re always at the centre of their attention.


So there we have it: 10 tips for crafting copy that converts. And to sum up, copywriting is not a destination; it’s a rollercoaster ride. So buckle up, use these strategies like a boss, and watch your small business become the Beyoncé of the digital landscape. You got this!

You can also download my FREE guide to make SEO Easy. A handy desktop guide packed with quick and easy tips to get your business found online.

Furthermore, if you’re stuck with where to start with your social media or blogs, I send a FREE email every Sunday with 7 content ideas for the week ahead to help you get those creative juices flowing. You can sign up here.

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