Sustainable Marketing for small businesses

Ditch the Greenwashing: 5 Steps to Uncover the Real Power of Sustainable Marketing

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Alright, let’s talk about sustainable marketing and why you need to consider it in your overall marketing strategy. In a recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group, 75% of consumers said they consider sustainability an important factor in their purchasing decisions. However, we’re talking about genuine sustainability marketing rather than greenwashing for the sake of trying to get on the good side of your potential customer.

In this guide, I’m going to share my top 5 tips for authentically embedding sustainability into your marketing strategy.

But First, What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing, my friends, is like putting a grass skirt on a concrete jungle – it looks all eco-friendly on the outside, but underneath, it’s just a city in disguise. It’s the marketing equivalent of trying to pass off a recycled soda can as a spaceship. You see, it’s when businesses slap on a thin coat of ‘green’ paint and shout, “Look how sustainable we are!” But, in reality, it’s like a salad with one lonely lettuce leaf – not exactly a green feast. It’s the art of talking the talk without walking the eco-walk, leaving you with a sour taste of deception, like biting into a chocolate chip cookie and discovering it’s actually raisins (although I have to say I do prefer raisins, how about you? Let me know in the comments).

So, let’s dive into how you can authentically implement sustainable marketing without the icky greenwashing.

5 Steps to Genuine Sustainable Marketing

1. Be authentic:

Alright, gather round for a tale of authenticity in the wild world of sustainable marketing. Imagine you’re at a party, and there’s this person who insists on discussing quantum physics. Now, if they’re a theoretical physicist, fantastic! But what if it turns out they’ve only binge-watched a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory? Awkward, right?

Well, businesses can find themselves in a similar pickle when it comes to sustainable marketing. It’s like telling the world you’re Mother Earth’s bestie, but in reality, you’re just waving at her from across the street. Don’t be that person at the party claiming to be an expert on green initiatives when you’re still figuring out how to recycle properly.

So, here’s the secret sauce: Just be real. For example, If your business is planting trees, high-fives all around! Shout it from the rooftops. If you’re using recycled paper, that’s awesome too – no need to pretend you’ve gone full Amazon rainforest saviour. In short, every small eco-win count,s and your audience will appreciate the honesty like a breath of fresh air in a room full of marketing smoke and mirrors.

Remember, sustainability certainly isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. If your eco-efforts are like learning to ride a bike, don’t claim you’re cycling the Tour de France just yet. Own the training wheels and be proud of every wobble. It’s the businesses that embrace their journey, big or small, that earn the eco-respect of their audience. So, be authentic, be honest, and let your sustainability story unfold like a gripping plot twist, not a poorly rehearsed script. Your audience will thank you, and Mother Earth will give you a nod of approval, too.

2. Be transparent:

 Picture this: transparency is like the X-ray vision your favourite superhero uses to see through walls. So, apply that to your business, and you have a marketing powerhouse!

Imagine if Superman strutted around Metropolis in a cape, but you had no clue what was under it. Bit mysterious, right? The same goes for your brand. When it comes to sustainable marketing, you want your customers to see the superhero-like efforts you’re putting in. So, throw that cape wide open – show off what’s beneath.

Let’s break it down. Your business is like a superhero, and sustainability is your superpower. But your customers aren’t just interested in the heroic poses; they want to see the nitty-gritty, the behind-the-scenes action. Therefore, share your journey, from recycling practices (cue the triumphant recycling bin pictures) to your office compost bin (yes, even the banana peels and coffee grounds).

Customers these days are like eco-detectives; they love to see the evidence. So, don’t be shy – lay it all out like a superhero’s epic origin story. When you’re transparent, you’re not just a brand but a crusader for honesty and integrity in the marketing universe.

And here’s the bonus – customers eat up honesty like a batch of freshly baked brownies. By baring it all, you earn brownie points (pun intended) for being genuine and authentic and not hiding behind a mask of marketing trickery.

So, embrace the X-ray vision of transparency, let your customers peek behind the superhero cape of your brand, and watch as your sustainability efforts become the stuff of marketing legends.

3. Be specific:

Hold on to your eco-friendly capes because we’re about to unravel the magic of being specific in the wild world of sustainable marketing. Think of it like this: being specific is the superhero landing after a soaring leap; it’s impactful, and everyone notices.

Now, imagine you’re at a superhero convention (yes, those exist in our imagination), and every hero is parading in capes. It’s a sea of capes, right? That’s the marketing world. But then, there’s you, the hero who doesn’t just say you’re ‘green’; you’re the one detailing your eco-exploits.

So, let’s break it down. Avoid the eco-mumbo-jumbo – no one’s interested in vague claims. Don’t just say you’re ‘saving the planet’; tell your customers you’re reducing carbon emissions by a whopping 20%. That’s like your superhero sidekick throwing in a cool stat while you pose dramatically.

For example, are you using solar power? Shout it from the rooftops! That’s not just being ‘green’; that’s being ‘solar-powered superhero’ level cool. Saving water like it’s your side hustle? Now we’re talking specifics! It’s like being the Aquaman of sustainable business – water-saving champion extraordinaire.

Specifics make you stand out in the crowded superhero convention, and in this case, the sea of capes is the crowded market. Customers are bombarded with generic ‘green’ claims daily; they need specifics to distinguish the true eco-heroes from the impostors.

So, be the hero that leaves an impact. Your customers don’t want to hear about generic eco-missions; they want the nitty-gritty details that make them say, “Wow, they’re not just ‘green’; they’re saving the world, one specific action at a time!”

4. Be data-driven:

Data isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the unsung hero, the Robin to your Batman, aiding your business in its quest for a greener world. So, how can you harness data’s power to propel your sustainability efforts to superhero status?

Well, data is not static; it’s a dynamic force. Use it to iterate and innovate your sustainability strategies. If the data reveals a hiccup in your eco-quest, don’t panic – see it as a plot twist. So adjust your course, experiment with new initiatives, and let data be your compass in navigating the ever-evolving sustainability landscape.

5. Be creative:

Alright, eco-enthusiasts, let’s discuss the art of infusing creativity into your sustainability marketing. Picture this: Batman, not in his sleek black suit but in beige. It doesn’t have the same oomph, does it? That’s the thing about green – it doesn’t have to be dull. 

Here’s the trick: Green may be the colour, but creativity is the spark that makes it pop. For example, share a ‘Tree-hugger Tuesday’ where you showcase your latest eco-achievements. Maybe your office has become a jungle for the day, complete with leafy decorations. Now, that’s not just marketing; it’s an eco-celebration!

And how about a ‘Compost Comedy Night’? Picture this: a stand-up gig where the punchlines are as fresh as your compost. It’s like turning sustainability into a comedy show – because, let’s face it, saving the planet doesn’t have to be serious all the time.

Your creativity is your utility belt – use it wisely. Quirky campaigns, funky hashtags, and maybe even an eco-mascot that becomes the hero of your brand. The goal is to stand out, be memorable, and make sustainability not just a cause but a celebration.

Remember, you’re not just selling products or services; you’re selling an experience, a feeling, a lifestyle. Creativity is what makes your brand the headliner of the eco-carnival. So, whether it’s a ‘Solar-Powered Saturday’ or a ‘Recycle Rampage,’ let your imagination run wild.

In a world saturated with mundane messages, your creative spin on sustainability becomes the beacon that draws the eco-warriors to your brand.

Sustainable Marketing Campaigns that Rock:


These guys are certainly the rockstars of sustainable fashion. They don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk in recycled shoes. Above all, they’re donating 1% of their sales to environmental causes. That’s not a bad encore.


Allbirds is putting the ‘sole’ in sustainability. For example, their shoes are made from eucalyptus fibre and merino wool, and their HQ runs on renewable energy. It’s like they’re tap-dancing on the carbon footprint of the fashion industry.

Seventh Generation:

Cleaning with a conscience? Seventh Generation definitely nailed it. Natural ingredients, biodegradable products, and a pledge to support environmental and social causes. Cleaning up the planet, one scrub at a time.


Sustainable marketing isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about building a brand that stands the test of eco-time. So be honest, spill the eco-tea, and watch your business bloom. The future is green, my friends, and your brand can undoubtedly lead the parade.


Q: What’s the difference between sustainable marketing and greenwashing?

A: Sustainable marketing is like the genuine eco-warrior; in contrast, greenwashing is the shady character trying to steal the spotlight with fake eco-deeds.

Q: How can I avoid greenwashing in my marketing campaigns?

A: Be authentic, spill the beans on your practices, shower your customers with specifics, and back it all up with data. And above all, throw in a sprinkle of creativity to keep your audience engaged.

Q: Any examples of killer sustainable marketing campaigns?

A: Patagonia, Allbirds, and Seventh Generation are the cool kids on the sustainable block. They’re not just talking the talk but strutting the green catwalk.

You can also download my FREE guide to make SEO Easy. A handy desktop guide packed with quick and easy tips to get your business found online.

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